© International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive, Robert Golden.
Awareness Through Movement (ATM®) classes help you be more comfortable and skillful in your physical self. You might choose to attend class to enhance performance, recover from injury, or improve balance or coordination.
You’ll learn from your own inner experience. Usually, there is no demonstration. I’ll guide you verbally through a series of movements as you lie on a mat, sit on a chair, or stand. Each class focuses on a particular function, like rotation, or movement pattern, like walking or sitting.

© International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive, Robert Golden.
You’ll learn to organize your physical self to move with greater ease and effectiveness, improving co-ordination, range of motion, balance, and your ability to act with pleasure and comfort.
ATM can become a practice itself, like Tai Chi, yoga, or other movement arts. Or you may use it to improve the quality of your daily life.
“I have been practicing Feldenkrais with Angela Alston for two years. Feldenkrais helps relieve my chronic pain and works almost as a form of meditation for me. Angela is an excellent teacher.”—Karen